Solar Systems & Solutions
Phone: (570) 222-2230
FAX: (570) 222-9845 
Products & Services UV Lamps

UV Lamps, all types, Q-Lab ™ brand, drop-shipped direct from their factory to you.  Fit Q-Lab ™ QUV’s ™, Atlas UVCON’s ®, Atlas UV2000 ®

Call for our Regular Everyday Low Prices!  Same price as when ordered from the Q-Lab ™ factory. 

We pay shipping on lamp orders of 36 or more


This website is not sponsored by, endorsed by, or affiliated with, Atlas Material Testing Solutions, LLC or SDL Atlas, LLC. Atlas, Weather-Ometer, and Fade-Ometer are registered trademarks of Atlas Material Testing Solutions, LLC. Launder-Ometer is a trademark of SDL Atlas, LLC. This Website is not sponsored by, endorsed by or affiliated with, Q-Lab Corporation. Q-Lab, Q-Panel, QUV, Q-Sun and Q-Fog are trademarks of Q-Lab Corporation.
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