Solar Systems & Solutions
Phone: (570) 222-2230
FAX: (570) 222-9845 
Products & Services  

In a consulting role, we can help you improve your Weathering & Photostability Test Program! 


Between us and our associates, we have literally more than 100 years of experience in testing and equipment, much of it practical lab exposure (pardon the pun!).   Please call us if you think we can help in the following areas:


  • Selection of Equipment—Unbiased opinions on the most appropriate and cost-effective instrument to meet your application.



  • Education—Basic “Weathering 101” or “Photostability 101” presentations tailored to your specific needs and materials.  Pharmaceutical studies and ICH Guidelines are specialties of ours.


  • Equipment Operation—We instruct your operators on the proper procedures of use, maintenance and calibration of your instruments.




This website is not sponsored by, endorsed by, or affiliated with, Atlas Material Testing Solutions, LLC or SDL Atlas, LLC. Atlas, Weather-Ometer, and Fade-Ometer are registered trademarks of Atlas Material Testing Solutions, LLC. Launder-Ometer is a trademark of SDL Atlas, LLC. This Website is not sponsored by, endorsed by or affiliated with, Q-Lab Corporation. Q-Lab, Q-Panel, QUV, Q-Sun and Q-Fog are trademarks of Q-Lab Corporation.
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