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Products & Services Q-LAb QUV Original


MORE . . . on the QUV from the Manufacturer:


The following descriptive statements are taken from the sales brochure for the QUV ® Accelerated Weathering Tester published by Q-Lab ® Corporation. For more detailed information on how this instrument can be applied to your own testing program, please call or E-mail SolarSystems:


“The QUV Accelerated Weathering Tester reproduces the damage caused by sunlight, rain and dew. The QUV tests materials by exposing them to alternating cycles of light and moisture at controlled, elevated temperatures. The QUV simulates the effect of sunlight with fluorescent ultraviolet (UV) lamps. It simulates dew and rain with condensing humidity and water sprays. Exposure conditions can be varied to simulate various end-use environments”


“Although UV is only about 5% of sunlight, it is responsible for most of the photochemical damage to durable materials outdoors. To simulate the damage caused by sunlight it is not necessary to reproduce the entire spectrum of sunlight. It is only necessary to simulate this short wave UV. The UVA-340 lamp gives an excellent simulation of sunlight in the region from 365 nm down to the solar cut-off of 295nm. The UVA-340 produces only those UV wavelengths found in sunlight.”




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