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Products & Services QUV ™ "Original"

Q-Lab QUV™ "Original"


Manufacturer Q-Panel
Model QUV™ "Original"
Serial Number Available on request
Year of Manufacture 1997
Hours of Use Per Meter on Equipment 77,706
Condition Excellent, full operational and rebuilt
Cosmetically Cleaned by Seller? Yes
Rebuilt by Seller? Yes
Standard Test Methods Capability:  
---ASTM Yes
---SAE Yes
---ICH Pharmecuitical Guidelines NA
Terms 1/3 with order, 1/3 when ready to ship, 1/3 Net 30 Days
Operating Supplies Included? Some
Present Replacement Cost $7,000
Asking Price, as is NA
$3,950 90 day Warranty, FOB Greenfield Township PA

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