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Products & Services Laboratory Evaluation Services

Evaluation of Accelerated Weathering & Corrosion Test Samples at Q-Lab
It is important to properly quantify the results of any exposure testing program. Typically, the customer is interested in the amount of change his material experiences during exposure. Change in some properties, like color or gloss, can be measured instrumentally. Other changes, like cracking, peeling, chalking, blistering, or rusting, can be evaluated visually and rated according to standard rating scales from ASTM or other organizations.

Visual Evaluations
Our expert staff is actively involved in ASTM and other standards organizations and are fully conversant in all the appropriate evaluation techniques and reporting scales. Our reports detail defects observed visually, including cracking, blistering, peeling, chalking, adhesion, color change and corrosion. All visual ratings are made under standard light conditions. This provides accurate repeatable ratings.

Instrumental Measurements
Instrumental measurements of appearance and surface characteristics include such attributes as gloss, distinctness of image, and color. These are used in place of, or in addition to, the visual ratings. These electro-optical measurements are now widely required by many standards, and provide the data on which statistical calculations can be made.

Evaluations and measurements can be scheduled on any time frame. Typically, the property of interest is measured or rated prior to exposure. Thereafter, periodic inspection and evaluation is necessary to quantify the progress of the test specimen. Evaluations are commonly performed on a monthly or quarterly basis.Additional Services. As part of a complete test program, it is often necessary to include other special services or handling. Common services include washing, polishing, scribing and specimen weighing.



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 Evaluation of Weathered Samples for Physical Properties, including color


This website is not sponsored by, endorsed by, or affiliated with, Atlas Material Testing Solutions, LLC or SDL Atlas, LLC. Atlas, Weather-Ometer, and Fade-Ometer are registered trademarks of Atlas Material Testing Solutions, LLC. Launder-Ometer is a trademark of SDL Atlas, LLC. This Website is not sponsored by, endorsed by or affiliated with, Q-Lab Corporation. Q-Lab, Q-Panel, QUV, Q-Sun and Q-Fog are trademarks of Q-Lab Corporation.
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